Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Luke is seven years old today! Yikes, where did the time go? I called this morning at six Las Vegas time to be the first one to wish him Happy Birthday. I think I will call back tonight, as all I heard was a "TIRED!!" when Eric tried to get him on the phone. Luke is having a birthday celebration in school today. I remember when Annie was pregnant with Luke and Eric called to tell me they were having a boy. He was very happy to have a little gunslinger side-kick to raise up in the ways of the frontier with the Boy Scouts. Luke is named after a gun - yes, I know, but let me explain. Eric went to VMI, the Virginia Military Institute, in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley. The legendary, and very religious, artillery officer, Thomas J. Jackson, was a professor at VMI before he went on to become "Stonewall" Jackson. There are four cannon on the green at VMI and they are named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Eric picked Luke's name from one of the guns he saw every day during his years at VMI. Luke is very smart, very verbal, and a shrewd analytical thinker. He soaks up new information and experiences like a sponge. He is very tough brave and courageous. While here on the farm, he was pushing a bale of hay through the drop hole, when it gave way. Luke shot through the hole and landed on a sheep, which quickly shot out from under him. Although banged up, Luke went into the apartment to shake it off, without coming to his Omi for stroking. I only found out about it later from Hannah! Luke is a real family man and loves his pets. He also loves his grandmothers, which I am very grateful for, because I absolutely adore my grandson, and love having him here on the farm. He may be growing into a big boy, but he still likes to cuddle and snuggle with his Omi. Wish I could be there to watch him blow out the candles. Maybe next year...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Luke!!! Hope you have loads of fun and cake :)
    HUGS from the crew in Canada!
    Lindsay and Jared already want to know when you and Hannah can come to visit them (grin)


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