Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Try, But Won't Work

Very crafty of John McCain to pick a woman as his running mate. She's very impressive, articulate and seems capable - and I like the idea of a woman in the top job...but the pro-life issue is a real problem for me. Nobody loves babies as much as I do, but I don't want the government telling me what I can and can't do with my body. It's a private matter as far as I'm concerned.


  1. Hi Maggie, I'm with you on that one besides she brags about shooting the wolves from a helicopter. I just happened on your blog tonight. It was so cool to meet you at MS&W. Laurie in MI

  2. Yikes, I didn't hear that one...
    This woman is really scary. I have enough faith in America's women to believe they will see past JM's trick to get their votes. I hope to see you again at Maryland! I still can't believe I got's a dream come true.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!