Thursday, August 07, 2008


Standing in the sun at the wool sorting stand for hours makes me a little dizzy. I have lots of little friends keeping me company. The Lake Effect weather is glorious to watch with different colored clouds floating by with little bits of sun showers now and then, but I get hungry and tired and come in to talk to the blog, or see what's on the movie channels. I can sew for work (can never be not-working) but I am trying hard to get the wool done while I have the weather advantage, and I can sew at night. I found some more nice fleeces in the tractor shed, buried under boxes, thrown on the floor to buffer my mother's Rosenthal and my wedding Lenox...(so utterly frivolous and unpractical now, but lovingly used on special occasions for years.) Fleeces so soft and lovely, like buttah, but way too much VM for a competitive show fleece, and not skirted properly prior to bagging. I've always dreamed of having a proper team here at shearing time so it can be done right, like I see "real shepherds" doing on their blogs...but they have big families, or lots of friends, or great neighbors. I'm lucky if I can get a couple of guys to catch the sheep, and they wouldn't be interested in picking manure tags out of a fleece before bagging. I have this morning's fleece in the dye pots already - Aztec Gold by Jacquard, my third favorite color after purple and "Spruce." Oh, if I can get some better shelving made this year (might have to go to Ikea to get some - dream on!) I will have some dazzling wool roving to sell. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel Maggie. I've almost finished the 2008 fleeces, and now I'm working back to the 2007 and 2006 fleeces. We were fortunate just to get them sheared, but no time for proper skirting. Life just got in the way and time got away....!


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