Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Barn Raising, Continued

Jan's barn is coming along nicely. The outside walls went up today and the roof is almost finished. There is a nip in the air tonight and the temps might be going down to the 40's. I noticed some leaves changing today. That, and the fact that I have to go into work for the next two days, signals the end of my vacation drawing near. I so love staying home with my friends who can't speak but who love my company and demand so much attention. Humans are so complicated and frustrating, and very tedious at times. Animals are so simple and honest and give me so much pleasure. Jan and Dave will be living in a local bed and breakfast within a couple of weeks, until the pole barn is done. It will be so nice to have Jan to help me pick fleeces and hold goats by the horns while I shear them. I got three fleeces picked, washed, dyed and almost dried today. If I don't do it while the weather is hot it will take weeks for a fleece to dry. Protecting it from cats and wind during that time is difficult. A few hours under a hot sun gets the job done quickly and safely.

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