Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Musings

Young Barack Obama was hanging out with the flock this morning...another sigh of relief. I am done in from the Great Monkey Rescue of yesterday, just can't wake up. I keep looking out the window to see if she was still here. She's very mellow, getting up to eat a little grass here and there. I don't know what scares me more, the thought of her listening to our activities for three days and wondering why she couldn't get up - thirsty and hungry - or Mia, Andrew and I finding her dead when we stack bales this weekend. I guess she ran to the back of the barn when the bales started falling instead of out the open door. What a silly little goatie. All these entities I am responsible for. So much I must do to get ready for fall shows. Choices to make - buy Femo clay for bag buttons or a new pair of shoes to start school in? Mia gave me back a pair I gave her years ago, so I'll wear them. I am lusting after a pair of Mary Janes in the LL Bean catalogue but they will have to wait. Better get to work, but my body says lie down, lie down. I hope Mia brings me some Harvey's this weekend. After we do hay and have our cook out with the brand new residents of Brookfield I am going to treat myself to a nice glass of sherry, with ice and a lemon twist. Yes, Jan is leaving her clamshell jacuzzi and miles of white carpeting behind and moving to Northern Appalachia. I'm not too concerned as there are fine malls a half hour away, and lots of neat artsy things will be going on with the holidays coming. It will be great having her here to hold goat horns for shearing and to go to events with. My third NY State Fair is going on and I have no one to go with. Not that I have the time to go anyway, but it would have been nice to visit the fiber arts pavillion and see the critters, especially the ornamental chickens. Jan is always up for another adventure. Who else could I call and tell to meet me at Maryland Sheep and Wool this weekend? She held the phone, turned to her astonished husband and said, Dave! I'm going to Maryland with Maggie for some sheep thing!" And we had a ball.


  1. maggie
    i am so happy you found monkey alive. you deserved that good news!

  2. Maggie,
    I had to drive the big rental truck right past the state fair on Friday. Traffic was a bear and we had to be back in Saginaw, MI before Sat. morning to return the trailer we had rented. It was such a piece of junk we hauled it back home empty. Happy you found Monkey and hope all is well.


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