Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bags Be Gone

Here are some of the bags I will be taking to shows this fall. I imagine them on the shoulders of various people, helping to "carry the load." Notice the sign in back of my bag rack. "Wild West Trophy Hunts - Exotic Animals." For the past two years I would pass the sign on the road going back and forth to work, thinking "How disgusting! How cruel!" and avert my eyes. I imagined old, feeble tigers no longer wanted by a zoo being sold to these people to be let loose in their "preserve" to be shot by customers. Scenarios I can't print here went through my mind, having to do with camoflauge uniforms and PETA volunteers. Okay, we won't go there. Anyway, Matt kept telling me about some nice people he met at the market when I wasn't there the last couple of times, and how they were anxious to meet me. Yesterday I started unloading and guess who was set up right next to me?????? I tried to be cordial and ignore their freezers full of meat, and pictures of elk and deer. I didn't notice any pictures of old tigers, and was trying not to ask questions. Matt just couldn't stop talking to the owner about all kinds of red-neck hunter type things...making me wonder how he could stand being married to Miss Liberal New Jersey (me). I managed to get through the morning, and have wondered since if this is some kind of tolerance test God is putting through - another test, I ask? Please, no more testing.

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