Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Visitors from Another Country

Kim, my long-time bunny friend, and her husband, Darryl, came to visit with their children, Jared - 10 and Lindsay - 6. The weather was not in our favor but we managed to have a lovely time. We baked oatmeal cookies, ate Hannah's bread, hiked to the creek to play in the running water (much higher now with all the rain), climbed the hill to swim in the pond (while adoring adults watched in the rain) and played endlessly in the hay mow. Kim brought us a cart load of goodies including Canadian tee-shirts, Multalelli coffee (a real treat), tennis balls she's collected for Bodie and Holly, and gorgeous silk caps dyed by Jared. We went out to lunch at the Beaver Creek Diner, much to the delight of the French fry gorging children. I will see Kim and Darryl again when they come to NY State Sheep and Wool at Rhinebeck. Kim goes Christmas shopping at my booth using her delicious angora as currency. Little Lindsay cried so hard when she had to leave tonight, and Luke watched wistfully from the barn window as they drove away. Now I have no one to play with, he said sadly. With all the wonders of Omi's farm, nothing can replace kids your own age to share the fun.

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