Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Vacation Bliss

The kiddies slept to 11 when I got them up to go to the movies. Luke wanted to see Hancock and today it opened in New Hartford at the multiplex. There was a little too much violence for my liking but it was a pretty good movie. ?We stopped at Michael's and bought Hannah a rubber stamp of a fairy in a lavender garden. Luke wanted to go in PetSmart and look at the birds and fish. On the way back there was a rare red light on the highway - a freight train crossed the road! First one I've seen in NY. Back at the farm, Luke continued work on his own tote bag (jungle print). We laid around and watched TV, climbed up into the hay mow to find eggs, played with lambs, did our chores, ate spaghetti for dinner, and sat around the campfire until 11 PM. Oh, it was so much fun! We sang patriotic songs, watched the stars and planets rise, and found our fortunes in the coals of the fire (Hannah's idea).

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