Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Upper Barn

There is a platform in the old hay mow, I think to give access to the huge mountain of hay this barn used to hold. Remember, this barn used to be 350 acres with 100 cows in the barn. Sadly, the mow is empty now, and the farm is broken up into small lots. Luke and I climbed the ladder and brought Izzy up there with us. Luke said, "Omi! Look! I can get out on the roof this way!" Do you wonder why I follow him around?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Tree, upper hay mow, anything high enough to break a leg when fallen from/out of ...... Luke is the reason mothers' get gray hair and are known on a first name basis at multiple emergency rooms! Ryan and I visited emergency rooms so often, he'd hand his "quick check-in" card to the receptionist himself! Have fun following Luke all over ....


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