Monday, July 28, 2008

Too Much Rain

Forecast says rain almost every day. Hay situation looks very bad. Sun is out most of the day but then storms roll in. The corn is high and fields are green, but getting the hay in is impossible. You need four dry days to get it in and we just have not had it. August is usually when the hurricanes start sending rain up the coast. Unless we have an unusually dry August and September, I am out of luck. So what else is new?

1 comment:

  1. It always seems to rain during haying season, no matter what part of the country you're in. Of course, you could do like they do here in Peru, and just do nothing. They do not prepare any winter feed or shelter for the farm animals here. They watch their animals suffer and die of starvation and exposure, and cry for government help. I suppose this ensures the survival of the fittest, but it's not something I can deal with.


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