Friday, July 18, 2008

Three H's In Central New York

Yes, hazy-hot-humid in Central New York. I got up early, ran around and did chores but couldn't get Hannah and Luke to get up for fabric painting. I shook them both but couldn't rouse them. Perhaps they got up and turned the cartoons back on, the little monkeys, after I put them to bed, or maybe it was the heat. After raising baby twins of my own, I have a healthy reluctance to wake a sleeping child. It's marvelous when they are awake, but also wonderful when they are sleeping. They have been begging to go to the opening of Space Chimps, so I took them to the Marquee in New Hartford. On the way we found a beagle standing in the middle of the fast winding road. We picked up her and asked at a house or two - they were closely grouped as we just left the middle of Brookfield - but people either didn't answer or didn't know her. A lady in a SUV stopped and said a lot of "guys keep beagles in crates and only let them out for hunting." Perhaps she was one of them. I didn't think so, as she was cuddly, older, and chubby. We turned in one driveway and she got excited so I let her out the door. Sure enough she ran up the steps. Hannah and Luke wanted to make pictures and hang around town, just like "Mommy did when she found a dog and a lady called to claim it." I told them sure, we can do that but we would have to miss the movie. Fortunately we didn't have to do that, as this was surely her home. No one answered the door. I suspect she was accidentally left out when the owner left the home. We made sure there was water on the porch and went on our way. I was so sleepy from the heat I had to stop at B & N to get a coffee. They had the July British Country Living issue, so I was happy. I read it during the dozens of trailers and ads prior to the movie, which was adorable by the way. A thunderstorm drenched New Hartford while we were inside. Luckily it was over by the time we got out of the movie, as I have no windshield wipers on the old Jeep Mia gave me. Chores at home were done in slow-motion. I sat down on the picnic table to drink some iced tea, but was persuaded to share it with Monkey and Lincoln. I was covered with salty sweat, which definitely attracted some little friends and their tongues.

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