Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Shearing Day

Jim Baldwin came to shear some of my sheep yesterday. It was the hottest, muggiest day of the year so far. Thankfully, Randy and his brother came to help, or Matt was threatening to cancel. The Rambos and Merinos I rescued present many management problems, one of which is shearing. Their wool is marvelous, but make me appreciate my Bluefaced Leicesters even more. Where the BFL's are a dream to shear, the others take MUCH longer and more skill on the part of the shearer. Jim raises Merinos and gave me some valuable tips on raising these sheep. They don't suffer from the heat and do fine leaving the wool on in the hottest months. You must check them for flystrike every day! An ounce of prevention...


  1. Gorgeous fleece on the black fellow/gal at the bottom :) Sure wish we could have been there to help!!! Jared would have loved to play sheep rodeo!!
    How goes the hay situation? Any luck getting a farmer to bale some for you?

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    city girl wants to know .... what is flystrike?


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