Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rained Out

After a hot and steamy day at the New Berlin Quilt Festival, we were totally rained out at the Hamilton Music Fest. I can't remember working so hard in awful conditions and making less money. I have never set up at an event and not made a dime until today - very humbling. I set up today under blue skies, hoping it would stay that way. No chance. The storms came rumbling in and my pop-up leaked like a sieve all over my stuff. No more summer set ups for me. Fingerlakes is in 8 weeks and I will stay home and get the dye pots fired up. Hannah and Luke are here for another week and we will make the most of it. On Saturday they fly from Albany to Baltimore to join the expansive Brush family at the "other grandmother's" beautiful beach house on the Chesapeake. Baby cousins will be there, along with Annie and Eric who are flying in from Vegas. How wonderful. Wish I could be there with them...

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