Saturday, July 26, 2008

One Last Swim

Luke needed a bath and Bodie needed a swim so we went to the creek for one last dip. It was just gorgeous with the rain swollen rushing stream glistening in the afternoon sun. Hannah wanted to work on some sweet concoction in the kitchen so we left her to her mixing and blending. I love watching Luke throw the ball for Bodie, laughing and having so much fun. I can't imagine anything more precious than having my grandchildren near me, watching them grow and enjoying life. I asked Luke to wash his hair so he would be clean when he sees his Mom and Dad, and he accomplished the task just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, as I look at the trails your grandkids take, at the hidden thickets and wide open spaces of your farm, I am so reminded of my parents farm...and I'm homesick to tears. Thanks for the pictures. You put them up just when I needed them.


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