Friday, July 11, 2008

Omi's Helper

Luke helped me make a batch of Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme yesterday. He opened all the jars and set them up for me, then sealed them back up again once the creme was poured in. Today we are planning on getting to the opening of Journey to the Center of the Earth with Omi's favorite hunka-lunka, Brendan Fraser. Candle-making is on the schedule, too. Farmer's Market tomorrow with Poppy while Omi goes to Syracuse to take more tests for NY teacher's certification. I'm really tired of having prove how smart I am after all these years. The bureaucracy of teaching is oppressive. Didn't Karl Marx say the bureaucracy holds the most power in a country? I was a nervous wreck over the first set of tests but I passed them okay. I confess I have put this set out of my mind and just enjoyed my grandkids. I'll find out soon enough.

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