Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Fourth!

Independence Day dawned cool and sunny here in the rolling hills of Central New York. The Today Show had some cute vignettes on the Revolution (which many of my folks took part in, I'm proud to say). There is no parade in Brookfield today, regretfully, so we decided to stay home on the Farm - the best place - and do our own celebrating. Matt bought a package of Nova lox, cream cheese, bagels (not NJ bagels, but a close second) Bermuda onion and tomatoes, and asked me to make him breakfast. Omigosh, what a Blast from the Past. I don't know if my Swedish fishy genes kicked in, or my Jewish Experience, but I was in heaven for the ten minutes I took to eat that crunchy, creamy, lox bagel ensemble. Hannah and Luke were still asleep, so there was no eewww, yuck! What a way to start a holiday. Hopefully, my neighbors down the road who are really into fireworks will crank up a show tonight. Last year, I was out in the field when I saw an amazing display of rockets coming up out of the woods. It just went on and on, so I sat down in a chair and watched with the critters gathered around. What a show! Here in the way-back-yonder. Luke woke up this morning and started playing with his kitty/toy bag. Such impossible cuteness, I just can't describe. So I will try to catch it in a photograph.


  1. Sounds like an incredible morning. Hope the rain lets up so you can have a great bonfire for Independence Day tonight.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I still go freaky when I see the pictures of Luke and Hannah. Looks so much like Ry and Di when they were similar ages! Luke looks so content with his new - handmade - bag. Of course the best item in it is the kitty! Check that bag carefully when he has to leave for home. Annie and Eric just may find something new in his room!?

  3. Happy 4th!!!! Sure wish we could be there with you :) Have a safe and happy time together.
    The monster baby (Java) waves a paw -shes tired out after swimming in the creek -guess the lab side of her does come out on occasion LOL.

    Kim and crew in Canada


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