Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hannah's Bread

Hannah asked if we could make bread. We bought the yeast, flour, etc. in the supermarket and got set up at home. What fun! Hannah's done it before with her mother, but it's been years since I've baked bread, and I did it in a bread machine. I was a bit concerned and couldn't find a recipe in the books I have in the house. I found one on-line and it worked fine. We forgot to heat the liquid before we poured it on the yeast/flour/sugar mixture, but it rose just fine. We got it rising then went to the pond to swim in the moonlight. When we returned, Hannah kneaded it some more, then put it in the oven. Oh....what heaven. We drenched it in butter and feasted. Luke had already had his peanut butter and jelly and Poppy was long gone to bed. Their loss...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Yummmmm. There is NOTHING better than fresh-baked bread with butter! I plan to get back to baking bread 2x/month when we get settled. We'll have to sneak off with a loaf every once in a while, grab a little cheese and vino ---- ahhh. Hannah can have bubbly grape juice! What fun you are having with the grandkids!


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