Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hannah Lost a Tooth!

Lovely breezy, sunny day. Hannah came out of her bedroom holding a tiny little baby tooth in her hand. What a thrill, one I haven't experienced since AJ and Mia were little. We found a jewelry box for it and will put it under her pillow tonight. I'm sure the tooth fairy will find it. Locked up the sheep early so they couldn't wander out and go astray. I wanted to take a bath without the Baptist preacher knocking on my door to tell me my sheep were loose again (another shepherd of sorts). I got myself clean then cut out three bags and made clay buttons before Hannah and Luke woke up. They are the happiest kids when they wake up. Vacation really agrees with them. Luke went out and found two big eggs in the chicken room. Hannah is still in jammies. I think I will take them to the multiplex up the road. A day away from the farm is just what the doctor ordered for me, and I need thread from Wal-Mart. Maybe I can find a McD. for Luke. I fed the tiny lambs and goat kids. They slip through a missing board in the wooden stanchion wall that acts as a creep feeder. Beastie Boy never got one built last winter, a marvel since he was out of work for six months but we won't go there, so I use this improvised one. I would build my own feeders, but I can't draw a saw across a board properly, or bang on a nail without bending it. I guess we all have our talents in different areas...He walked the field last night to figure out how much electric wire I have to buy to get the upper field electrified. Now I have to buy a charger.

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