Monday, July 14, 2008

Good Weather Week

Weather report says sunny week ahead. I pray the farmer cuts my hay, now that he's taken his. Storms roll in quickly and unpredictably from the Great Lakes. Getting dry hay baled is tricky. Most farmers have a weather radio that blasts an alarm when rain is coming. Wet hay gets moldy, deadly for sheep, and makes for a dangerous combustion potential in the barn. I don't even have hay to put in my chicken nest boxes, or for Luke to build a fort in the hay mow. Grass everywhere but no hay in the barn. Woe is me. I have my internet back today, after the cyber gods took it away for two days for no apparent reason. Wires okay - sunspots, maybe? I was busy with the kids and critters, and those *&^% tests on Saturday, and the mountain of dishes I can't quite keep down - but I missed sitting down and "recording" the days events. When I can get my printer working again, I must print out my blog. If the big Blogger in the sky went down, the history of my farm would be lost. When I try to save it on a disk, the little drawer keeps opening and closing. I think there is a poltergeist in the computer, giving me fits. Maggie would be very upset. I just heard a little voice from the sofa saying, "Good Morning, Omi." Have to go love on my little Lukie and get some morning sugar.

1 comment:

  1. Sending up prayers for good weather and HAY!!!!!
    Kim and crew
    waiting for the thunderstorms to roll in -how can I tell they are coming -behold the cowering and cuddling dog LOL.


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