Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun With Kids

It was great to see Hannah and Luke having fun with kids their age. New Berlin has just installed some new playground equipment. It may have been 100 degrees with equal humidity, but these Las Vegas kids were undaunted. Hannah reminded me of Sigourney Weaver in Aliens when she chased the boys around with a rocket launcher. She was a little sleepy when we first got there, having been pulled out of bed several hours earlier than she's used I got her bedded down under a tree. Luke had several older boys in tow - exhibiting leadership potential. (Future Senior Class President like Uncle AJ?) There was a police sponsored bike safety class that Luke participated in - bikeless. He let me have h-e-l-l for not having a bike here for him. I will have to rectify that situation next year! Luke won a nice helmet in the raffle, but it didn't make up for being bikeless. One kid had a new puppy named Sasha, a big hit no surprise!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Hannah's hair cut is gorgeous! It looks so very Winona Ryder or Audrey Hepburn (sp?). Glad you're having fun!


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