Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fire Up the Dye Pots

This pot of angora took up the dye unevenly and the results are just beautiful. The weather today was perfect for drying wet fiber outside, but the breeze kept blowing away my angora. I remembered the roll of chicken wire in the barn, and rolled a layer over the fiber. It worked perfectly, and the wire also prevented the kitty-cats from scattering the angora while playing. I have a LOT of work to do, picking through fleeces, washing the wool, dyeing the wool, washing again, then putting it out to dry before it's packed up and sent to the carding mill. Very labor intensive, but that's what I do.


  1. Love the colour!!!! Can't wait to see the finished rovibg-bet it'll be stunning :)
    Your candles have been burning in here and the scents are lovely.
    HUGs to all
    Kim and crew

  2. Oh my gosh, the cat under the table is cracking me up! What a pose.

  3. Heh, your kitty looks like he's "just hangin' around!"

    The locks look beautiful! Can't wait to see the roving!


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