Monday, June 16, 2008

Hail Monday

Cool and dark this enough to wear my beloved Carhartt vest over a polo shirt. This vest is the greatest. I feel like I have on a flack jacket and can take whatever the day throws at me. The pockets are perfect for hoof trimmers, shots, scissors, whatever, with room left over for my hands. This was the last day for students and many did not show up. The sun started to come out from behind the blanket of clouds but a new storm rolled in. The black sky was streaked with giant vertical lightning bolts. I told the students to come away from the window but that was encouragement enough to open the windows and sit on the sills. The lightning preceeded a hail storm, which covered the ground with white balls the size of marbles. What a show. I knew the sheep were in the barn at home on the farm but Chris had not come in last night. If I know him he slid into the door next to the apt., helped himself to the cat food I put up high, and lay down beside Thor to wait out the storm. Ahhh, a llama's life. Speaking of Chris, I have to figure out how to get another halter on him so I can hang on to it for dear life while I give him his yearly shots and hoof trimming. Then I have to shear him. What a spoiled brat and it's all my fault...well, not entirely. Chris (and Breeze, bless his llama soul)grew up in a front yard with four little kids in the house, a situation in which one would think a llama would be handled enough to be used to the human touch - but he was not. I guess the kids were in the house most of the time. If llamas are not properly desensitized to humans it's a battle all the way. If I have a bucket of corn in my arms, or rabbit pellets, Chris will come close...until I put my hand out to touch him then it's poof! gone! in leaps and bounds. Matt has promised me another llama catch pen, which I had before I moved here. I lure him in there with corn then close the door behind us and we "party down." Will I get my pen anytime soon with so many other things we need to get done on the farm? I can only live and hope...

1 comment:

  1. My llama is the same way. I have to "trick" him into the barn, it takes hours. He hates to be touched.
    Did you find Dallas Alice?


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