Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Get Back in the Field!!

Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the road. I caught the flock, along with their partner-in-crime CHRIS, leaving their field and travelling up the road to the field of our neighbors. We had a visit from the nice couple a few days ago. Apparently my sheep ate their garden last year and they don't want that to happen again. Is my face red!! I almost got a deal on a solar powered electric fence but somebody got to it before me. I have to do something soon. I spend a lot of time riding up and down - a motorized shepherd. Once I get them back on their own farm the flock settles down to eating. The weather today is just glorious...breezy, sunny and cool with those fabulous cloud formations above. There is something about this little valley that brings in the loveliest weather. The wide open spaces allow a terrific view of the skies. I've never had such an unobstructed, beautiful view of the heavens before.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    that is a ride full of puppies! So fun for them to get to ride while you get the sheep all wrangled up.


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