Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Egg Warmers

I did a little jump when I felt something furry in the nest box this morning. Tuffy put her kittens in there for safe keeping! The chickens don't seem to mind a bit. That room has several big roosters who scream cockadoodledoo so loud it hurts my ears, but mama kitty likes the ambiance. Still cool and rainy outside...I can handle this weather just fine. Testing going on at school this week. I proctored one student all day, a real cute and funny kid. Our new wing is still under construction. How spoiled we are - everything bright, new and shiny. The fire alarm went off accidentally during testing and there we were, standing out in the rain waiting for the all-clear. It was a nice break.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    That has got to be the cutest pictures I have ever seen. those kitties will grow up thinking that the chickens are related to them. Just wait for those eggs to hatch.

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I love the kitten pictures!! Luke is so lucky to have a grandma with so many cute, warm and fuzzy little kitties. I need to get into my own grandparents' barn and find some little kitties to love. Brings back fond memories of my younger kittie wrangling years.


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