Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cool Weather

Sweatshirt weather today. Came home from work and let the sheep/goats out to graze. There she was - Dallas Alice, proud old doe, walking along with the other goats. Don't know how I missed her. Dallas did not kid this year and I was relieved. The year before she was threatening to prolapse the whole pregnancy, worrying me something awful. Her mohair is coarse and frizzy...great for rugs if I only had my loom up. A rug made from coarse, colored mohair would last for years. Only herb tea for me tonight. Off to do chores in the lovely evening coolness. Weather report says rain all week. Still waiting for the neighbor farmer to call and say he will cut my hay. Said he wanted to "think about it." It's all about hay...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I"m glad "Dallas Alice" came back!


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