Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cold Front Coming In

The sending districts took the kids home early. After-school meetings were cancelled. Teachers instructed to take students into the hall when the storm hit. I'm trying to remember if my llama came in the barn this morning. Are the lines coming down from my lightning rods buried in the ground properly? Oh, NO, are the windows open in the apt.? Ominous radar maps on weather.com with big yellow patches over Central New York...then five minutes of rain, a little wind and it's all over. Sun is out, hot as ever. Yesterday it was so hot when I got home from work I walked the dogs down the driveway and ran them back inside. After doing home-from-work chores (precursor to evening chores) I got Matt's dinner made then lay down on the bed with the fan blowing right in my face. It works! Who needs AC? Matt woke me up at 9PM and told me all I had to do was chickens and cat food. This heat sure gets in the way of things I need to get done. I wanted to stay still and minimize all activity. I wish...The little nap I had in the evening screwed up my sleep. Came in from the barn and watched TV til midnight, then couldn't get back to sleep. Tried the sofa (poor doggies) then back to the bed, sofa again, then bed. Last time I looked it was 3 AM. Not too bad at work today, AC in new building working fine. Heavy equipment running all around grading the land around the building. Some poor guy cutting glass in the sun outside my window. Matt complains about sitting at a desk in an airconditioned office now. How easily he forgets about working outside in this oppressive heat. We should have a slightly cooler day tomorrow but summer is here to stay.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Glad your storm was quick and mild. We have the prediction of heavy rain with possiblity of high winds. Batten down the hatches here. We'll take the umbrellas out of the tables and lay them down for safety, and don't know what I'm going to do with the hops. It has been growing like crazy and several of the shoots are 12 feet up! Hate to see them go flying. Tomorrow is supposed to be much better temp wise - only the mid 80's. Actually, we've been warmer here than you folks, but hot and oppressive is hot and oppressive -- no need for contest in discomfort.

    Hope all the critters were safe during the storm and back to doing their thing. Maybe "summer" will arrive soon and be pleasant for the last weeks of school.

    Best of luck for the kids and the Reagents .........


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