Friday, May 02, 2008

On The Road Again

I'm off to Maryland, loaded to the gills. I wanted to hook up my trailer but it is filled with half thawed sheep dung and hay from when I rescued the Merinos and Rambos. Poor planning on my part. I did get new tires yesterday. Brought it to the place across the street from school to get them rotated, but when he told me they were all bald it scared me. I have to make to Maryland! I'm an hour late but will hopefully get there in time to beat rush hour traffic around Baltimore and get the booth set up tonight. I am exhausted but that doesn't matter, have to get the job done. Just took the last bag off the machine - while packing found it with pins and a seam still waiting to be sewn. My Beastie Boy left for work. He's so helpful but the emotional roller coaster with yelling and stomping is more than I can take sometimes. My Rambolina girl is not doing well and it breaks my heart. Must be this lousy is not getting enough nourishment to make good milk. She was lying on her side this morning, just the thing I need to see going out the door! I gave her Vitamin B and penicillin, just in case, and some milk replacer. Have to get them out on good, green grass...better get to Md. and make some fence money. I apologize to all the people who are waiting to hear from me, I have been a crazy woman this week. Fortunately had a good observation yesterday. The kid really worked with me and my supervisor liked the math lesson - what? me? teaching math? Very, very, basic math!


  1. God luck and I hope you sell everything! Have a great time! picture! Remember we want pictures!

  2. Maggie that so cool how was the show?

    And i have bad news kathy passed away Wed.April 30


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