Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Matt asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day. He intended to make me breakfast but forgot to buy what was needed at the store. I told him we could go to Joanie's Cafe in New Berlin, a favorite of local farmers. We picked up the NY Times and paged through it over our meal. Back at the farm Matt offered to get out my shearing stand, something I've wanted to do for a long while. I bought it from a woman in NJ, along with the three angora goats that went with it. I've been meaning to buy a stand for years, but every time I had an opportunity to buy one at a show, my truck was filled with booth stuff. Over the years I've spent way too much time bent over an uncooperative goat with an assistant holding their horns. With the stand the animal's head is cradled in a head holding device which tends to keep it immobilized. Matt helped me catch two goats and one sheep - Malcolm, my old wether and only coated sheep. His fleece had grown too long under the coat and really needed to come off. We got him situated, loosened the straps and pulled up the coat. What a lovely, although mashed a bit, white clean fleece was hiding underneath. Matt went off to lay out fence posts while I clipped away with my Fiskars. A lovely breeze was blowing under the warm sun. Baby Thunder and Pip kept us company. Malcolm complained a bit, but took it like a champ. I would like to shear all my sheep and goats myself someday. Bluefaced Leicesters have clean faces and legs which makes the job much easier. I will have a shearer come in for the great big Merinos and Rambos. The shearing stand is a good way to start.

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job with a pair of sissors. Well done. And...I agree it is a wonderful way to spend a Mother's Day.


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