Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Blues

Dark, cold, threatening rain...great way to start the week. I can't wake up...the infection brewing in one ear is making me woozy. Mia is sending me some antiobiotics - great to have a family member in the business. I have a giant package to get to the post office - my last Robin wheel going out the door. I spent some time with Gilbert, crafter of Robins, at Md. Sheep and Wool. He has a three year waiting list (he sold over 30 wheels on Saturday at the festival). Wheels are terrific currency in a pinch - as I sadly found out. I am spinning on my old Louet, my precious Mother of Wheels, which was purchased for me with Eric's very first US Army paycheck in 1988. She spins fantastically, but with more effort than the Robins which only take a toe flick to keep on going. My Louet takes a bit of a pump, and with a single treadle, well, there we are. I will NEVER part with this wheel. In the meantime, I am back on Gilbert's list for another Robin. I hope three years passes quickly.

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