Monday, May 26, 2008

Back to Work Tomorrow

I get so torn between work and farm. Once I get settled in at home it's torture to go back to work. Once I'm there I'm fine. I miss Mia something awful. She got stuck in the worst kind of traffic on the way back to Jersey. She's not on duty tonight and can relax at home with her roommate, Monika. I threw myself into bunny grooming to try and deal with missing Mia. Got six bunnies done and have a giant grocery bag of angora to show for it. Have to purchase some Rit on the way home tomorrow. Matt is going away again tomorrow. I am letting the sheep out to graze in the early morning hours and bringing them back in before work. Good luck! Then out again after work. Getting them in at dark is easier. The sheep prefer to be in during the heat of the day, then like to go back out again when the evening cools down. No more hay to purchase in Brookfield that I know of. Have to use the good green grass God gave us and pray that we can get someone to cut and bale across the street.

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