Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Manna from Heaven

Wooster, my BFL ram, Tommy Boy, with the Big Rack (not shown in this picture because he has not yet come over and chased everyone away from the food so he can eat)and other males live in their own section of the barnyard on the south side of the barn. It's a nice spot, always in the sun, protected from the wind and with a seperate entrance into the barn. When I'm up in the hay mow I through their bales down to them through a window. It's kind of funny to see their surprised faces when a fresh green bale of second cut hay comes out of the sky. This is the view that I see from the top.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    You sound like you are keeping busy during your break. I am glad you took some time to watch a movie (and probably did some sewing, knitting or spinning at the same time)


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