Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Back on the Farm

The temperature soared to a balmy 70 today...just high enough and long enough to hatch some flies. Nothing can stop the shape of things to come. The outside door to the chicken coop mysteriously came open and I arrived home to find some very happy and excited roosters and chickens scratching on the ground. The bits of green grass along the barn foundation were clipped down by hungry beaks. How lovely it must have been for them after a winter of chicken feed and first-cut hay sticks. I put some boards up for them to get back up into the chicken room but after chores I found some of them huddled on the milk room steps under the porch light. It was quite a chore to catch them...but after a big scuffle the feathery friends are safely on their 2x4 roost. A big windy rain storm blew in and the barn is shaking over me again. Glad the chickens are safe inside.

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