Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Slip Sliding Away

Most of our sending districts are closed today, as well as Brookfield Central School. That means no sanding or plowing on my road. I went down to the road and, sure enough, it was iced over. I checked the studs on my tires and they are pretty well worn down. I hated to do it but I took another sick/snow day. Maybe it's the story Rosalie, the substitute, told me yesterday about her granddaughter who skidded off the road and went end over end down a ravine. She kicked out the windshield and crawled up to the road to flag someone down. No thanks! Between sheep and snow I won't have any sick days left, but there we are. Good thing I hardly ever get sick. I'm not allowed. In the meantime there's so much I should be doing here. It's almost easier to go to work and leave it all undone. My doggies will be happy to have me home, and so will the bottle lambs who won't have to wait with empty bellies for me to come home. Today is Hillary's make or break day. Primaries in Vermont, Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island. I think she will take Texas - Hispanics ahve a healthy respect for a woman in charge. Come on, Women! Many of the people supporting Barack just don't want a woman in the White House! Let's break the ultimate Glass Ceiling once and for all!

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