Friday, March 21, 2008

Mixing Dyes

I love to mix my own dye colors. It can be tricky. I adore Jacquard and Cushings Dyes, but they are only available by mail order and that gets expensive. Sometimes I trade with Donna Carlstrom of the Sheep Shed when we are at Rhinebeck together - her Jacquard dyes for my yarn or soap. Spruce by Jacquard is my favorite color, and I think I can duplicate it by mixing green and blue. Lately I've been using Rit dyes, available at the grocery market and Wal-Mart, and mixing them to my liking. The brownish/red was supposed to be golden yellow, but I poured in a little too much brown in my excitement. The purple is just, well, gorgeous. Oh, I do love purple. Picking raw fleeces and washing them for the dye pots helped keep me from getting really weepy over my bottle babies leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Those colors are so beautiful. You know I am partial to your blues and purples! I can't wait to get my hands of some! Wish I were there being a helping hand and apprentice ..


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