Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March Madness

So much mixing...all those hungry lambs. I missed one guy's lamb bottle yesterday morning and when I checked again before leaving for work he was not around. He has a rubbed off spot on his nose, as if he has been nursing...maybe Mom doesn't have enough milk? Sure enough, last night I found him lying on his side, stiff and cold. I moaned and picked him up to carry him out when he stretched a little. Took him inside and let him wait until I finished with chores, then tube fed him and gave him nutri-drench. I held him while I was watching my de-stress TV (Marie Antoinette was on - wonderfully entertaining)then put him in the laundry basket next to the bathroom baseboard. It's a terrific way to keep a critter warm, and safer than the oven door. I shut the door and the whole room heats up like a little oven. When I woke up he was standing up in the laundry basket. It doesn't always turn out so happily! I put him in with Pinky, Winky, Tink and Linc for special handling. This way I won't miss him. This late daylight is so lovely. Spring is in the air, even though single digits on my thermometer says otherwise. Four day weekend next week, then couple more weeks and spring break. People say teachers don't work a lot - but I'd like to see them put up with the schtick we have to deal with. Just when we think we can't stand it any longer, we get some time off. Thank Goodness.

1 comment:

  1. So your little goat baby is making himself at home with the ewes! I'l bet he LOVES hopping up and down on that soft bundle of wool!

    I'm glad you were able to get the lamb back on his feet again. It's so sad when an obviously healthy one goes downhill, and they can go so fast!


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