Sunday, March 23, 2008

Looking Back on Easter Morning

When I have a minute I sometimes log onto other people's blogs to check them out. I have a couple of blogs I am loyal to, but sometimes it's nice to "make some new friends." I logged on to yesterday, and found it quite amusing. The writer is a writer, and although she didn't say the title of her book or what it's about, she said it's self-published and just ordered another 5,000 to be printed. Could it be about sheep? I'm planning on writing a book - but I'm afraid the tone will be a bit frustrating for people to read. Sometimes I read my blog and I think - Yikes, this woman ought to pack it in and find something else to do with her time or money! I don't know if I'd want to read about my history of the last few years. But anyway, this blog listed "Ten Things I've Done that You Probably Haven't." It included things like watching Mount St. Helen erupt, moving to a new city with $37 in her pocket (something like I did here with the farm). So I am going to make a similar list. Here we go:

Ten Things I Have Done That I Will LIKELY NEVER DO AGAIN

1. Give birth to two perfect twins, one of each, 8 months after the wedding.
2. Chase reindeer off the railroad tracks so the train can continue, above the
Arctic Circle in the wilds of northern Finland
3. Discover spinning in the same place, Lapland, northern Finland
4. Climb up the Roman seige ramp to the fortress of Masada, Israel, and watch the dawn come up with Israeli jets, glinting in the sun, practicing low-level flying beneath me. The juxtaposition of past and future was not lost on me.
5. Swim in the Dead Sea
6. Swim in the oasis where David hid from King Saul
7. Put a message to God in a crack of the Western Wall, Jerusalem
8. Climb the Eiffel Tower in Paris at midnight
9. Earn my AA, BA, and MA in six years with an A average all the way as a single parent.
10. Buy and move to my very own Farm. All roads lead to my Farm...and here I am. The Farm must prevail!

There it is, that's what comes to mind here on Easter morning. Time to go out to the barn and give bottles to my lambs and put out hay. The sheep are what it's all about!


  1. on this morning i am thinking about how you are the most amazing person I know, and when i pinch myself, i realize that you are my mom, and words can't describe how lucky I am. oxoxxoo

  2. Thanks for caring maggie but i don't want to lose them i'm going to rent a place like you because there my only family i have right now and i need them get through each day and i klnow you know what i'm talking about, But thanks if worse comes to worse im glad i have you!!!


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