Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hump Day - Downhill to the Weekend

Had my observation today and right now I am so frazzled I can't even talk about it. I thought it went fantastically. The kids all read outloud a little, nobody spit chew on the floor, turned tables over, etc., although they did try to make cell phone calls and there was some punching. I did what I usually do when the going gets tough, just stick to the lesson like my life depended on it, and don't let them take me off it. When the period was over I looked at my supervisor, who I tried to avoid until it was over, and her face was ashen, frozen in stark disbelief! I'm actually laughing as I write this because it's just so crazy what else can you do? She listed nine behaviors that are "non-negotiable" (don't you like that phrase - it makes sense to me) and we never got to discuss my lesson, just their mischief. Needless to say, we have some issues to work on in my school, and we are doing just that in our meetings. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. They gave me my own office last week and I retreated to it, sitting in the dark with just my little chicken lamp on, contemplating how all those years of hard work and deprivation in school got me to this place. We all make decisions we have to live with, for better or worse. I thought I was going to be okay, but the ceiling vent chugging away over my desk blows hot air right on top of me. I brought in a fan to help, but it's still a sauna in my office. It used to be a storage room for the graphic arts class and no one sat in there for long periods of time. A hot flash overwhelmed me and I just had to get out of there. Good thing the day was over. I staggered out into the cold air and felt the icy drizzle on my face and breathed a sigh of relief. After making my stops for Matt's dinner and milk replacer at the feed store, I got home and played with my cats, dogs, lambs and goat kiddies. If only I had played my cards right so I could stay home with them. Ain't gonna happen.


  1. Hi Maggie- Just wanted to drop a note to tell you i love the new picture in your header. The kids at your school sound so similar to the kids i work with. I was blessed with a day off from them today though due to yet another snow/ice storm. Have a good night.

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Hi Maggie,
    I haven't responded in a while and I wanted you to know that I am still here, reading your blog everyday and loving it. I love it just the way it is and I would rather read a few good blogs and have time to live then to spend the whold day on the internet and not get anything done. I am with you all the way.
    I'm sorry your day didn't go very well but today is another day.

  3. Your students sound a lot like the ones I work with. (And I drive almost 2 hours for the pleasure!) Actually, I love working with the challenging kids and am in my 8th year-- but it's because I really believe in the school, am well supported there and have developed a serious sense of humor about the whole enterprise! These things really help.

    Sped has a 2 year burn out rate for good reason.

    If you don't feel supported in the school and don't have a chance to "debrief" in a positive way at the end of each day, it can get ugly (and tough) really quickly.

    Good luck,


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!