Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dyepots Bubbling

I have a huge back log of fleeces to sort, pick, wash, dye and dry. It's something I don't mind doing but it's time consuming. Did you ever see a dirtier Bluefaced Leicester fleece? Kitty doesn't mind...People frequently ask if I have any raw fleeces for sale. I don't consider mine marketable as they have quite a bit of "vegetable matter" in them. Until I get coats on my sheep I can't really take advantage of that lucrative market. A nice shepherd from Oklahoma sent me a homemade sheep coat pattern that I plan to use to make my own coats. In the meantime, I am picking the hay out and washing/dyeing/drying/processing before selling it. The boiling pots heat up the cold milk room nicely.


  1. This is the part I like the best about fiber...not the picking and skirting, but the dyeing part. The colors are so brilliant! Fun, fun, fun!

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I love the kittie pictures! This summer when I have more time if you need help with fleeces I'd love to learn. No pressure...but I really appreciate how you do all that cool stuff. You're amazing...don't let BOCES get you down!!!!


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