Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another Fiber Friend

Can there be an upside to selling one's handcrafted Robin wheel to pay for hay??? Maybe. The nicest woman came to buy Robin #2 yesterday. Molly from Canandaigua (another upstate New York Indian name) is a rug hooker who purchased some of my roving at the Fingerlakes Fiber Festival last year. She spun the fiber into two-ply yarn and sold it to rug hookers at the prestigious Shelburne Farm Museum show in Shelburne, Vermont, near Burlington last November. I was thrilled to hear about it, as rug hooking is another fiber craft I had not considered for my handspun. She drove almost 3 hours each way so she could buy another pound of roving when she picked up the wheel. I gave her a good price on the last Stag and Hare bag I made. Molly wanted it to carry her rug hooking frame around in. There you go - a hooker who was looking for a BIG bag! You know I am a big bag kind of girl. I plan on making some big bags for the Rhinebeck show this fall. I thoroughly enjoy watching them march out of the booth, when most of the time people usually say, do you ever make smaller bags??? I felt pangs of loss while strapping the pretty little maple Robin into her bag seat...but Molly offered to let me have her spot on Gilbert's waiting list for the Robin she ordered. AND she says she has some terrific tapestry fabric she's going to send me, along with some Femo clay she doesn't need for my buttons. The sheep and lambs calling for hay were ringing in my ears as I waved good bye and went back into the barn.

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