Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tried to Lie Down

Well, I should have known better than to lie down. I got back on the sofa, covered up with the quilt, got Izzy situated just right on my belly, with Pip laid out against my back, put the news on low and tried to lull myself off to sleep. Must have lasted five minutes when Matt opened the door and called out that there were black twins at the East End of the barn. I told him to give me two minutes and off I went to collect my nutri-drench, scissors, Betadine, towel, jar, syringe, and sweaters. There they were - gorgeous little black girls, dancing around their mother, looking healthy and chipper. They were under a window and the sun made their wet wool glisten. We just gazed at them for a few minutes, taking it all in before getting them situated. I just love my black girls! I've been having way too many white boys. White girls are fine, but there is something about those black girls. I am running out of sweaters!! Good thing Auntie Jan is back in NJ on those needles! We've had a break with the weather so far but a blizzard could roll in anytime. I staggered back into the apt. and heard the magic words Can I make you some pancakes? Could it really be true? I told him he must have a girlfriend or something to want to make me pancakes. He said, no, he doesn't have any money for a girlfriend. I waited for the pancakes with my mouth watering from the smell. For some reason, Matt wanted to use the super pancake recipe on the back of the Bisquick box and used baking SODA instead of baking POWDER and the pancakes were awful. I could hardly swallow them and gave them to the dogs. I was slightly disappointed, since I was tired, hungry and cranky. The fact that my little kitchenette is a flipping mess now doesn't help. I better lie down again and see what the afternoon brings.

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