Saturday, February 16, 2008

Three Little Monkeys

Tinky, Binky and Winky are thriving. It's time to start them on grain and hay and get them out into the barn. I will miss them. They wake me up in the morning with their little clip-clopping hoofs. We give them bottles before we go to bed and they make it until 5:30 or so, then they come looking for their persons who fill their bellies and make them feel so good. I have to remember to keep my camera by the bed so I can take a picture of them. Winky is the biggest lamb. He pogos all over the apartment - boing, boing, boing - and follows me out to the barn. I was afraid I was losing Binky but a regiment of penicillin did wonders. He wasn't standing up at all, now he's up and bouncing a bit himself. Tink is the tiny ewe lamb who is as dainty and feminine as can be. She's growing so slowly her newborn sweater still fits. I always feed her first. I have a problem with feeding - Matt got them used to holding them for bottle time, now they won't drink from the bottle standing up. When Matt and I are both at work I will have to hang a bucket with nipples. Let's hope they do what they have to do. And the cats...those buggers will chew off the nipples, my precious Pritchard's teats, to get at the milk. Another challenge...


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    oh my gosh! Look at those darling faces and huge ears just standing and listening to everything. I just want to hug and snuggle! Next year you're gonna have to push me aside to get anything done.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    well, actually the ears are standing, the little darlings are lying down ........


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