Sunday, February 10, 2008

Teeny Tiny Creatures

The newborns are shivering in their life-saving sweaters. The wind is blowing hard outside but the moms are hungry and take their babies out to eat anyway. The square bales are better hay, but so much more expensive so I buy round bales and keep the square bales for the moms in the jugs. I picked up one little black doe kid and brought her back inside, thinking mom could stay outside and chow down, but she followed us back in complaining and scolding me. I'll throw out some square bales and Matt will have a fit - but we've made it this far through the winter and the flock deserves a treat.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Oh geez,

    They are so cute, I just want to grab each and every one and snuggle and snuggle! Your idea of sweaters for all the new ones is fantastic. How do kids and lambs survive on the farms that don't get them bundled?

    Give hugs for me!


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