Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sunny Day - Enjoy It!

I caught the tail end of a beautiful sunny day. Snow again tomorrow, then a week off to play with my babies - thank Goodness. I HATE being stuck inside a stuffy building more on some days than others, and today was one of "those" days. Won't my "front door" look good when there is a porch and stairs attached to it? Then I won't have to trek through the milk room and barn to get in the apartment. It's on the list for this spring - after the all important fence to keep my sheep where they belong.


  1. So whens the fencing party??? We got 4 able bodied people here lined up waiting to come down to Maggies Farm (heehee) Java says she's not doing any labour though she gave that up when she moved to Canada (laugh)

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Hey, if Kim,Darryl and family are coming for a fencing party, count Dave and me in! We're already planning to be there, but Kim and family will just add to the fun and speed! Oh, I'm getting excited just thinking about it. A lot of hot, hard work, but good companionship, good food and conversation make difficult tasks a lot easier.


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