Saturday, February 09, 2008

Out of Sweaters

I have run out of sweaters and can't get more made fast enough. Luckily the lambs are growing so fast I can pull the little sweaters off them and wash them up for new babies. It's hilarious to see a sweater stretch to the point that it's a tight little vest on a big hefty lamb. The sweaters are crucial to the lambs and kids survival. Auntie Jan has been knitting away down south in New Jersey. She's had some time off from soap wrapping, but that will begin again soon to prepare for fall shows. What a devoted friend and source of support she has been to me!


  1. Wow, Maggie, I haven't checked in for a couple of days, and you've really been busy!

    I'm so sorry to read that Breeze has moved on, but it has to be a relief to know that he's no longer ill or in pain. And Chris is doing so well as a lamb guard/sitter! Maybe this busy winter is good for him, too. He's got his mind occupied with babies just as you have.

    And Thor! What a beauty and what a good boy he is! Being the responsible guy that he is, he's such an asset to you!

    Congratulations to Matt on landing a good job again! I hope it lasts a good long while, but you'll be out of help when he leaves town for work.

    Take care, Maggie and love to everyone and all those little souls in your care!

  2. Thanks, Kathleen - good to hear from you again. This winter is flying by. We've really been spared some heavy snow. This time last year the snow was as high as the fence top and the sheep could walk right over it. Now patches of grass are showing. Amazing! March may prove to be different...


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