Sunday, February 17, 2008

Last Baby - I Think

Raven had a little white buck kid this morning. I found him just as his ears were beginning to freeze. She was standing over him by the East End door (coldest spot in the barn but the place where the goats like to drop their babies). He cried as I picked him up and I breathed a sigh of relief. Gave him a warm bath to thaw out his feet and ears and put him in a very warm and slightly felted angora sweater. When I brought him back Raven was out munching on the round bales, not at all concerned. She's so hungry food matters more right now. I have them in a pen with lots of hay, corn and sweet feed with a molasses in warm water bucket. Raven doesn't have much milk and I'm hoping to get some going in her with all this food. It's cold and bright right now but starting to cloud over. We went to Barnes and Noble last night and took a walk around Pier One next door to it. I felt kind of weird in a store that I used to frequent all the time back in New Jersey, in the old days. All the glitz and shine is such a contrast to the world I've made for myself here. I bought two candles in a weak moment, one fig scented and the other patchouli. They hardly smell at all and I was sorry afterward. We had cappucino in B&N and I got my February British Country Living. I missed January!!! Ugh!! Not surprised since I hadn't been in a book store since visiting Eric and family in Las Vegas for Christmas. It was a nice outing but I was so tired I hardly flipped through my pile of magazines. I did check the ads in the knitting mags - so much yarn. Makes me sad to think of all the misery behind that yarn. So much of that wool comes from dead sheep - sheep on their way to slaughter, etc. I wish people would support the small farm shepherds like me, who baby their sheep and keep them forever, but we don't have the money to get large scale amounts of yarn spun by the mills and do big advertising. I bought some Starbucks coffee to bring home. Always get it ground expresso fine and it tastes so much better. Hadn't had any in months and I adore it. Forgot it in the truck when we got home and thought I left it in the store. And I was out of coffee! What a relief to find it in the frozen truck. Ahhh, the coffee. Drank two big cups this morning and still feel tired. Guess it will take a couple of days to catch up. I ended up with 35 live and healthy lambs. Won't talk about the losses, it hurts too much. Eleven tiny little goats kids tip-toeing around. Now the job is to keep them all alive - no easy task and an awesome responsibility. Better go check on Raven's boy. Was hoping she would have twin black girls, but have to be happy I found the little boy in time. He was almost a kidsickle.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    What a sweet face. I'm so glad the little monkies got you up in time to find him! It's good that all the babies have been born, but you'll have 2 more "kid-sized" sweaters at the post office probably Wednesday (Tuesday would be a miracle since Monday is a holiday). You'll have some in your pile ready for next year or whenever! Glad the coffee was in the truck -- it's your and Matt's live-line! Maybe AJ will renew your subscription to the magazine!! Then you will be able to snuggle in the chair and read at your leisure ...


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