Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just Plain Chicken

I'm sitting here at my desk trying to get up the nerve to get on the road and go home. As much drama and paperwork there is here, it is relatively uncomplicated compared to my farm right now. But that's not it...I hate driving in real bad weather. I feared it would be like this but didn't want to take a sick (snow)day so close to our vacation. Only three students came to school out of almost 50. The teachers concentrated on packing up our rooms for the Great Removal so that asbestos abatement can be performed. The glue underneath the tiles contains asbestos. I wonder what would happen if NY State didn't have so much money??? I have to say I am astounded at the amount of $$ they lavish on schools in this state. We will move into our $48 million dollar addition in September, with suites for this and that and sinks in every room. The kids are so lucky (but they don't think so). I sure hope I get a room or closet to meet with the kids I am supposed to be helping, instead of a corner of a classroom or computer center. The principal is trying to find me a space. The teacher-consultants in NJ had beautiful offices, but you never saw them in the classroom, not ever. They were the queens of the special ed. paperwork and scheduled meetings, etc. Different strokes for different states.

1 comment:

  1. soon you will have my jeep to drive in the snow! it's great!
    can't wait to see you next week.. hint, hint..!!!


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