Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Icy Trip Home

A storm is closing in and one sending district picked up their kids early. That shot the whole day to heck, as the other students are mad they are not going home, too. The staff is packing up their desks and rooms so the asbestos abatement team can come in over winter break and tear up the floor. Things are slightly chaotic around here. Cold has set in - 0 F. when I left the farm this morning. Good news from Mia. She bought herself a new car, a black Hyundai sedan with stick shift. I remember teaching Mia and AJ how to drive with a stick. They took to it right away. Mia is working in the Patterson ghetto checking on shut-ins and making sure their home health aides are taking care of them properly. She feels more like a social worker. I can just imagine Nurse Blondie RN, marching in and taking charge. She said there might be 20 little kids running around an apt. with grandma in the back in a hospital bed. I'm so proud of her! The neuro ward in the hospital is very challenging and requires expert nursing skills. She has a new patient, a hiker, who fell 30 feet off a ledge in the Delaware Water Gap, broke his back, then crawled a mile and a half with his dog before being rescued. Now, that's tough! Better get ready to make my way home before the ice hits.

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