Friday, February 01, 2008

Happy Imbolc/Oimelc

Tomorrow, February 2, I am celebrating the ancient Celtic holiday of Oimelc, which means "ewesmilk," also called Imbolc, meaning, "In the Womb." I can totally relate to this holiday, as I am under the sheep harvesting ewesmilk on a daily basis here. The early Celts would have been very happy to get this rich, sweet, creamy milk with which to make cheese and other goodies. This is when sheep naturally start giving birth, before their gestation was manipulated by humans. Sometimes I wish my flock's gestation was a little better planned. We are having a mild winter again - a bit milder than last year even. Fine with me. No 20 below zero yet...and no flies to get on the babies when I dock their tales.

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