Thursday, January 24, 2008

Midnight Madness

Just got another set of twins in the jug. They must have been on the ground for a while as I was feeding Buddy, watching TV and knitting on another lamb sweater. The ewe lamb is fine, up and nursing, the boy is weaker. Mom, a gorgeous purebred BFL, let me nurse her out but she didn't even have hardly a cup full of colostrum. There was no panel to close them in, so I had to dismantle part of another one and cut wires to hold it together. I had to get her some hay, but ALL the sheep were up and looking for food, as if it were their normal feeding time, not twelve o'clock at night. Up in the dark hay mow, throw down the bales, and a riot started down below. Climbed down, threw them out, and somehow pulled one away from the mob for the new mom. It was a pretty green bale and she was famished. Made it easier for me to pull on her teats and squeeze out some gooey milk. The little ewe was on the opposite teat, the boy lying down looking very sleepy. I filled him up with as much as I could get and got sweaters on them both. Did their cords and got Mom her molasses bucket. The White Boys are going crazy out there in the moonlight. Coyotes on the move? 8 degrees outside but I got so hot in with the sheep I had to take my jacket off. Guess I am getting acclimatized. Breeze is not looking so good again. Had to make him get up twice today. All I need is a sick llama now! Have to wake up Matt for his shift. He is snoring so contentedly I hate to do it...


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    If Breeze has menginal worm, one dose of ivermectin is not going to fix it. You need to treat it VERY agressively. It will kill llamas!

    Someone near us lost 3 llamas this summer to it, despite worming every month.

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Hang in there ..... Breeze is strong, and he'll make it. Give him as much meds as you can afford. If you need, I'll take up a collection!

    Next time he's down, kick his butt softly and tell him it's from me and I expect him to get the better of whatever bug he's got!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maggie im so happy for you! I love the pictures and if i ever can do anything let me know.


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