Thursday, January 10, 2008

Maggie Is Happy

What could be better than a brand new wiggly wet lamb to brighten your day? This is Sparky, just an hour old, still wearing his birth fluids, although Lilly, my favorite sheep, had given him a tongue bath for the first hour of his life. Mother and babe doing well.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Aww! He's a cute one! Love the name.

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    How many lambs do you think you will be having this year? What's this about shooting blanks when it is hot out? This will be a big lesson about Mother Nature for Matt.

  3. I'm guessing around 20 lambs this year depending on how many twins. Yes, we've learned a valuable lesson...not ALL the sperm are killed by the heat. If Matt is reluctant to help me catch the ram again next summer I will get some students over to help me. August 1 and he's out (the ram, I mean.)

  4. What a beautiful sight. Momma and baby and the "good shepherd" watching over them both :)
    HUGS to all
    Happy birthday Sparky and welcome to a little piece of heaven on earth Maggies Farm!

  5. Anonymous4:09 PM


    You're back! There's a new little one! There's a happy momma! And best of all --- you have a wonderful smile on your face. You truely show that there is a little bit of heaven righ there in Brookfield. I'm so delighted for all.

    hugs and kisses to all, yes, even the wet wiggly one!

    :) jan

  6. Babies are just so cute. I know what you mean about the ram. All my females are having babies because I said....oh nothing is going to happen it is too hot. Well four babies later....and I am going to do like you...the first of August and he is out.....enjoy your new ones.....They are just so darn cute. Chris


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